Testimony: Haven House Services

“Over the years, St. John’s and deacon gavrilo have stepped in and saved the day, fulfilling the unique requests of the families we are serving. Our staff refers to this as “Haven House Magic.” Usually, it starts off with an email to deacon gavrilo detailing a family’s story and what they need. Within the hour (usually minutes), Deacon Gavrilo reaches out with the news that they “just happened to receive” a donation with the very same item(s) we are looking for! The list of families assisted through St. John’s is long and includes fulfilling needs such as replacing soiled mattresses, keeping families warm with space heaters, providing furniture so families can sit down and eat together and helping replace worn shoes and clothing items. We are immensely grateful to St. John the Merciful Outreach Ministry for partnering with our agency and for helping create Haven House Magic moments! - Patricia Cardoso LPC


Testimony: Green Chair Project


Testimony: Hilltop Home