Church Partners

With love and gratitude to our partners, donors and supporters in the ministry and our sponsoring sister Churches:

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church

All Saints Orthodox Church

Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church

St Basil Orthodox Church

St Raphael of Brooklyn Orthodox Church

St Grigorios Orthodox Church

AHEPA Sir Walter Raleigh Chapter 10

Our Board

President - Deacon Gavrilo Milkovich

Vice President - Francesca Panagos

Secretary - Anna Kouba

Treasurer - Rhonda Milkovich

Assistant Treasurer - Katerina Knezevic

Board Member - Jane Rudenko / All Saints Orthodox Church

Board Member - Reader Ywhna Cook / St Raphael of Brooklyn Orthodox Church



St. John The Merciful Was started by Deacon Gavrilo Milkovich.

The ministry serves the greater triangle area of North Carolina.

If you would like to get involved, please reach out to Deacon Gavrilo via email.


If you would like to donate to St. John The Merciful our Venmo address is below.

Venmo - St John Merciful-Raleigh@StJohn-Merciful-Raleigh

About your Donation

We are excited to let you know that all donations go directly towards helping our community and currently overhead is only 6 cents to the dollar.

Web-master and design - Joe Alter

With special thanks to my spiritual Father Paul Kaplanis who encouraged the idea of establishing it as a ministry and suggesting the name sake!