Angels Hope and Joy
The mission and goal of Angels Hope and Joy ministry is to lead our children into experiencing the Orthodox Faith. Participating in Angels Hope and Joy ministry allows our children to build a strong bond with their Orthodox friends and lays out the foundation and tradition of our Orthodox faith through worship, fellowship and service. The bond they create now with each other and Our Lord, Jesus Christ will guide them and strengthen them throughout their lives.
in Christ,
Francesca Panagos
Anna Kouba
Program Overview
We support and sponsor with St John the Merciful throughout the year multiple outreach projects and events. Souper Bowl of caring, Almsgiving baskets, Womens Center lunches, Back pack drive for Haven House, Socktober, Angel Tree, and Thanksgiving Baskets are our scheduled yearly events. We also include the youth groups from our local Orthodox Churchs All Saints, St Raphael, and Holy Transfiguration.
Get Involved!!!
Contact Francesca at:, or Anna at: We are always looking for more help!